It was a real honour and privilege to be invited to the Prize Giving Dinner and deliver a speech. It doesn't get any better than that does it? Of course it may, but this was beyond my imagination. Had I ever been to such a high-profile event? Huh! This is just getting better and better. I had the chance to give my speech with the likes of H. Pupkewitz, Q. van Rooyen, D. Nujoma, A. Haynes, C. Duffy, dynamic businesspeople and distinguished executives countrywide. Not to mention that A. Haynes, CEO of ITG came all the way from the UK for the Galla Dinner. What a privilege! I am glad to have done the speech in a pretty, decent manner. Credit is given where its due, in this case to my greatest partner; Edward -we did it together, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have got such a privilege. After completing my speech, I got loud applause, attention and admiration. It was as if Joseph Kadhila had won the Nobel Peace Prize, indeed the greatest moment of my entire life. Ha!ha! That's obviously greater. Jenny Masikini, Loide Nakanduungile and Madelein Smith (got the chance to finally meet them all) made it possible for me. Let me also not forget Mr John Mandy, CEO of the NSX and Ciaran Duffy, MD of NBL for the recognition. I am very grateful.
Hopefully, we will be back next year -for the cash, of course.
Hopefully, we will be back next year -for the cash, of course.