The Namibian Scholars Investment Challenge 2007 recently came to an end. It was a great, fascinating, fun Challenge and we really learned a lot. It was amazing to own fictitious shares in various companies and bear all aspects as if it were true. I had just read Warren BuffetÅ› story and its so inspiring, I mean he made a fortune out of investments. So this Challenge was and is important to my future if I am to succeed as an investor. I am not disappointed to not have won though I would like to have won with my team Streets Smart. All that matters is that I or rather, we all gained something -the invaluable experience. Not forgetting that it will be back next year, and giving up wont be an option. Thank our organisers
(Jenny & co.), sponsors
(NSX & NBL) and stockbrokers
(Madelein, Nigel....) for making this Challenge possible and a success. Listed are this yearÅ› winners; Congratulations!
School Name ;
Team NameCombretum Trust School ; Go for Broke(rage)
Cornelius Goreseb High School ; Innovative Entrepreneurs
Etosha Secondary School ; Capital 4
Kuisebmund Secondary School ; Gr 12 A 1
Welwitchia JSS ; Target Entrepreneurs
NB: The Challenge rages, come next year -2008