Thursday, November 8, 2007

Big Men

Would you imagine, rubbing shoulders with top businesspeople in your own country? Its quite an achievement to do that. They are fascinating to watch, I mean you get star-struck. If you have ever read an African leader say, "If you want to be successful, just surround yourself with successful people. Because their success somehow spills over you." Now thats what I intend to do. These are the big men; Peter Koep, outgoing Chairman of NSX and Harold Pupkewitz, the men every Namiban wants to associate with.


Anonymous said...

Please credit photos you take from other websites or the original Photographers. The photo of Koep and Pupkewitz was taken by Alwyn van Zyl

Joseph Lekgwathi said...

Mr Alwyn van Zyl, I value your comment so much.... pardon me for not doing that. can you tell me more on this, on my email... I would appreciate so much. Thank you!!!