Thursday, October 25, 2007

Best Teacher

Many people are hailed as heroes or heroins, but who are heroes? I have my own definition. I regard heroes as anyone who exceeds expectations. Thus, I regard my Computer Teacher; Ms Liz McEntee as one of heroes. She came all the way from the US to teach us here in Namibia. Without a Teaching Diploma/Degree yet she could teach us so well that we registered one of the highest scores -if not the highest in Keyboard and Word Processing both Nationally and Regionally. We were awarded Best School in the subject in the Region, while she became the Best Teacher in the subject. That's amazing isn't it?......... We salute you Ms McEntee.


perkykoala said...

Hi Joseph! I'm a little behind on reading people's blogs, but I just saw your blog about me and I'm *VERY* flattered!! Thank you so much for all of your nice and thoughtful words! I'm smiling from ear to ear! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Joseph

I live in canada and am trying to get in touch with the combretum trust school. YOur blog came up when I googled it. do you have the telephone number for the school? If you do could you email it to me at thanks alot. I really enjoyed reading your blog, it so upbeat and positive, you must be an incredible young man!! thanks Jane

Anonymous said...

hi jane i am working at combretum if u still want the contact please mail me at seens your mail is not going through

Anonymous said...

I usually do not leave a comment, but the ideas really rocks, also I have a few questions like to ask, what's your contact details?


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